Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Dodd Sucking Wind

The left-wing blogosphere’s next president, Chris Dodd, has raised an anemic $1.5 million this quarter. How financially healthy is that? Well, if Dodd’s campaign health were to be compared to that of a human being, it wouldn’t be able to afford to bury its own rotting body.

Obama has raised $19 million in the 3rd quarter. That’s a mere $17.5 million ahead of Dodd! Well, we all know that money helps, but it doesn’t necessarily win campaigns. Campaigns are about ideas that resonate with Americans! How’s Dodd doing on that front? Well, he is at 1% in the Iowa polls where he has focused most of his resources. “Other” is kicking the stuffing out of him by 10% there.

“USA Election Polls” has an interesting take on what is ailing Dodd: “…Yet Mr. Dodd’s problems do not end with the co-sponsoring of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, but instead are as far reaching as the inclusion of funds from Arthur Andersen and Enron in his campaign coffers. Quite obvious a lot of this is water under the bridge, but considering that the after effects are still felt today, Chris Dodd’s run for the party’s nomination may be compromised. Potentially deeming him to be more of a liability with the moderate conservative voters - while considering him a sure fire win with the more liberal set of the Democratic Party - the jury is still out whether or not he will have a chance at the coveted declaration.”

Or maybe he’s just a crappy candidate who can’t get traction because he’s out of touch with America. Just like the left-wing blogosphere...


Consent of the Governed said...

Chris Who?

Headless Horseman said...

You know how our Senators are Joe Lieberman and that Peace Corps guy?

He's the Peace Corps guy. ;-)

mccommas said...

One thing I noticed is that after senators run and lose for President they frequently have a tough challange the next time they are up.