Monday, November 3, 2008

Humble on Election Eve

Capitol Watch has just put up a post quoting Democratic House Speaker Jim Amann and CT Dem Chair Nancy DiNardo predicting as many as 112 Democrats would win House seats, maybe even more.

"I think 112 is a conservative number," DiNardo is quoted as saying. Amann is predicting a net pick-up of 5 seats. That might be a real stretch.

Granted, liberal Connecticut will be going for Obama. But there isn't the same anti-Republican sentiment that was out there in 2006. The low-water mark may have already been reached by legislative Republicans.

Throw in a few seats Dems weren't expecting to lose like the George Wilber seat, which should swing Republican after it was revealed that Wilber apparently molested a young girl some years ago and paid hush money to cover it up, causing Wilber to withdraw.

There may not be much movement. However, if Democrats end up losing any seats this year, it will be because of gross ineptness on the part of Speaker Amann, and his annointed winged monkey, Chris Donovan.

Will Amann be as cocky as his hilarious bid for the Governor's Mansion unfolds further starting Wednesday?


Bob Swick said...

I personally believe his run for Governor is lost already, he is too arrogant, offers no new ideas and is not a likeable or electable candidate.

Headless Horseman said...

Well, he's gotten a lot more partisan lately, and it shows. Perhaps he feels it will ingratiate him to those Democrats he needs that are still angry with him for standing by Joe Lieberman. He will quickly learn that there is no forgiving or forgetting with those folks.