Following his 2007 scandal where he was duking a lobbyist for the state University System while simultaneously steering $1 billion to the system as Chairman of the Education Committee, Gaffey has now resurfaced to insolently wag his 10-pound scrotum of pure brass in our collective faces once again.
This time he is accused of double billing both the state and his political action committee for thousands of dollars worth of expenses.
It may be remembered that during the scandal that unfolded over his romance with Jill Ferraiola it wasn't just a conflict of interest that was uncovered. Emails between the two were steeped in bumbling sexual retardation. She called him "big boy" and referred to him as a "god."
He indulged the adolescent musings, claiming that "alongside every god is a great goddess." I am going to presume he wasn't thinking of the Hades/Persephone date-rape episode when he said that.
Perhaps if Gaffey reimburses the money he was reimbursed twice for and the legislature places a cap on how much he can bond for his chicks, we can start to close the budget deficit.
What is even more appalling is that the voters in his district re-elected him.
Why he got re-elected is beyond me. Too bad he does not have the guts to resign.
He is all about himself. Like most Connecticut Democrats... and completely unable to fathom the disgrace he is to public service.
He had a very conservative opponent that no one took seriously enough at all; it was gut-wrenching watching a hard working decent man get no where.
On the other hand, let's face it; while 2008 was for Republicans not quite as bad as 1984 was for the Dems; it was close.
Nothing broke in our favor, it was a tidal wave.
The low standards of Tom Gaffey's constituents were only outdone by those of Dirty Bird John Murtha.
Congressman Murtha was speaking about Obama's chances of taking Pa and he referred to his own voters as racists (caught on video tape just like that FBI sting ABSCAM).
Amazingly enough, the racists reelected Murtha anyway. Ann Coulter wonders just exactly what a congressman has to do in PA to alienate his voters?
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