In the inevitable match-up between Republican Chris Shays and Democrat Jim Himes in the 4th Congressional District, Lee Whitnum has made quite the entertaining sideshow.
Democrats are getting annoyed with her, because she is managing to cause a significant distraction from the anticipated general election match up where they hope to unseat the last remaining Republican US House member in New England. Despite the pomposity and over-confidence demonstrated in the leftwing blogosphere, these folks know it is an uphill battle, and this distraction isn't helpful.
Whitnum is a moonbat. When she has been criticized by bloggers, she has sent them emails from fictitious attorneys. Her only real claim to fame is her supposed romantic relationship with Senator John Kerry, over which she bemoans her inability to sell a revealing book.
It has been suggested that Whitnum has no donors, no money, no support, and no chance. yet, she has managed to get her crazy self onto the primary ballot. Could it be that Himes is not so anointed as previously believed?
Whitnum is calling for a debate with Himes. The Himes campaign, clearly attempting to keep her from attaining any credibility has deflected, saying they are considering options for debating Shays in the fall.
I say Himes should accept the debate. If Whitnum is as crazy as we all suppose her to be, that will be evident in the opening ten seconds. Himes really doesn't have anything to lose, and in fact, really ought to debate as she is on the primary ballot.