Sunday, June 3, 2007

Caruso vs. Finch: Heavyweight Battle, Lightweight Minds

The race for mayor of Bridgeport is shaping up to be a showdown between Democratic Senator Bill Finch, and Democratic Representative Chris Caruso. Therefore, only one thing is certain: either the Senate or the House will definitely be richer due to the departure of one of these men from his respective legislative chamber. Caruso is generally despised by his colleagues. Finch is amiable enough, but he comes off as borderline retarded.

Bridgeport residents were robbed of the 'battle royal' that would have most assuredly been a Caruso vs. Fabrizi battle. Seeing a physical altercation between these to large fellows would probably resemble two dinosaurs mating. They're big boys with appetites for glory, and they could have settled the issue with a hot dog eating contest. This was not to be, as Fabrizi, a confessed coke-head, decided at the urging of party leaders to drop from the race.

Enter Senator Bill Finch. Finch, a former city council member in his fourth term in the Senate, has some fascinating initiatives. For one, he backed the "Blackout List" measure this year that banned incandescent light bulbs, and would require the DEP to keep a list of 'inefficient' light bulbs, and fine retailers for selling those on their black list. He has also been the chief advocate of an expanded bottle bill. In short, he is an eco-geek who subscribes to the Al Gore "our planet has a fever" hysteria.

According to the Connecticut Post, Finch has locked up Bridgeport Democratic party support. Caruso has shunned the support of party regulars, and has claimed they are corrupt, and merely interested in patronage jobs from city hall. Caruso has picked up the support of the Republican town chairman Rick Torres however.

So what are the benefits of the near certaintly that the legislature will lose either Finch or Caruso? Caruso is a demagogue of the worst order whose rhinoceros-like stores of energy enable him to filibuster endlessly on the House floor. He is an insufferable gas bag whose doctrinaire attitude and negative reputation have regularly poisoned the proceedings of the legislature's GAE committee, which he chairs. Certainly, his departure would leave that committee in the decidedly less capable hands of legislators like Rep. Diana Urban (D-North Stoning Haven) and that gangly seven-foot tall muppet Sen. Ed Meyer (D-Guilford). That woud be good, and amusing!

Finch's departure means a seat would open up that could be winnable for Republicans. It was previously held by Lee Scarpetti, Queen of the Cockatoos. With the right candidate, it could go Republican again.

Personally, I'd rather see fewer libs in the legislature.


hadyalam said...
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Anonymous said...

Given his penchant for big government and even bigger portions at the dinner table, Caruso could conceivably have a whale of a chance in this matchup. But with Finch's support from the 'vote-early-and-often' crowd, Caruso's fate is most likely already sealed.

The Real Bob Anthony said...

Frankly I could care less about Moscow on LI Sound--Bridgeport! Let that city screw itself into oblivion by having the blacks who are bamboozled by racist shakedown artists keep voting for the dummycraps to keep the Socialist Utopia Vibe going!

ConnecticutYankeeInFlorida said...


Bob Anthony, I do have to disagree about BRIDGEPORT. I just wish someone would run that city like a business. Myself, the whole cities in Connecticut -- Hartford (Mayor Perez is right on 1 thing -- trying to get NHL back. Otherwise he is a disappointment), New Haven, Bridgeport and I'll throw in East Hartford (my hometown!) need to get people who would run them like a business.
Tampa has a Democratic mayor, although you wouldn't know it. She was campaigning with W, and she was saying some pro business (also pro military!) things in her speeches! (She was re-elected.) Hillsborough County is a soildly Republican area.
I wish Dems up there would talk like Tampa's mayor - but that is why Florida is growing!

Headless Horseman said...

Florida happens to be the number one destination of migrating Connecticut residents... and there is little wonder why.

The Real Bob Anthony said...

Sorry, headless, but I wouldn't live in FLA--too hot and don't forget those hurricanes.

"Myself, the whole cities in Connecticut -- Hartford (Mayor Perez is right on 1 thing -- trying to get NHL back. Otherwise he is a disappointment), New Haven, Bridgeport and I'll throw in East Hartford (my hometown!) need to get people who would run them like a business.

Tampa has a Democratic mayor, although you wouldn't know it. She was campaigning with W, and she was saying some pro business (also pro military!) things in her speeches! (She was re-elected.) Hillsborough County is a soildly Republican area."

Guess you can't always judge a book by its cover. Although when it comes to papers in Tampa, you have two liberal doozies in the Tampa Tribune and the St. Pete Times. By the by, what's her name?

I will give Fabrizi some credit when Bush came to B'Port, he welcomed him despite the party politic problems. Unlike say Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Johnson, joining the moonbat crowd calling for Bush's impeachment!

I too wish Park City was run like a business, but with an ultra left radio station WPKN spewing the communist diatribe and "alternative" programming--that won't happen. Bridgeport needs conservatives--not RINO Repubs like Shays--I MEAN CONSERVATIVE, Pro-life, pro-business, pro-God, etc.

ConnecticutYankeeInFlorida said...

Bob Anthony:

Sorry, headless, but I wouldn't live in FLA--too hot and don't forget those hurricanes.

Bob, I hate to say this -- Florida is not that much hotter then Connecticut. Hurricanes, yes we do have them, however -- the northeast is due for a hit.

Bob, Headless said that Florida is #1 destination of residents moving out of Connecticut. It is true, in 2004 when I moved here, There was a horse farm and a tomato farm near me - now, both farms are being developed as homes.

Guess you can't always judge a book by its cover. Although when it comes to papers in Tampa, you have two liberal doozies in the Tampa Tribune and the St. Pete Times. By the by, what's her name?

Her name is Pam Iamio. I have to agree, I don't like the Tampa Trib that much -- I use the paper to get info on hockey. The St Pete Times is more centerist then the Trib, but when they endorsed candidates -- they are for Republicans -- so does the Tampa Trib. (and they both are very supported of the WAR ON TERROR -- since McDill Aiur Force Base - the home of CENCOM - is here.)
ultra left radio station WPKN
Hmmm... I guess since the DeadAirAmerica station in NewHaven became a sports station, is WPKN the AirAntiAmerica station? I don't know where the AntiAmerica station here - in TampaBay is? The 2 major talk station are Conservative (Glenn Beck, Rush, Schnidt, Sean Hannity and Mark Levin) and Libertarian (Neal Boortz, Bill O'Rielly, Dennis Miller, Michael Savage).
Bridgeport needs conservatives--not RINO Repubs like Shays--I MEAN CONSERVATIVE, Pro-life, pro-business, pro-God, etc.
True!! Very True!