Tuesday, August 5, 2008

More Dumb-Tarded

Paris Hilton's mom does not approve of John McCain using the image of Paris Hilton in his recent "Celebrity" ad, comparing Obama's celebrity status to that of Hilton and Britney Spears.

"It is a complete waste of the country's time and attention at the very moment when millions of people are losing their homes and their jobs," said Kathy Hilton, the mother of that human appletini-fueled rage known as Paris Hilton.

I happen to think the ad is fun and makes a good point. I don't think it's piss-you-pants funny or that it defines the whole campaign.

But I am amused at the indignity of Kathy Hilton over the use of her daughter's self-imposed celebutard status. Of course, the McCain campaign may have thought twice about using the image since the Hiltons are McCain donors.

But where is Kathy Hilton's outrage over her daughter being a retarded slut? It's her daughter that is a waste of everybody's time while there are serious things to focus on in the world.

Yet Kathy Hilton says the ad is "a complete waste of the money John McCain's contributors have donated to his campaign." She can say that, she gave money. And we are entitled to think that the indulgences of her mentally handicapped daughter are a big waste of money. But hey, it's their money.

Since Kathy Hilton is in the habit of spending money to support celebrity morons and their activities, perhaps she should consider donating to Obama instead.


cttaxed.com said...

The Hiltons could be the poster children for the Communist party.

A picture of Paris and one word underneath, "because".

Headless Horseman said...

Yeah, people like that actually show the underbelly of opulence. Or, the upskirt shot of opulence in her case.