Thursday, March 13, 2008

Hartford Pulls Out of Iraq

I love tidbits like this. CTNEWS JUNKIE had a story recently about the Hartford City Council passing a resolution against the war in Iraq.

The story is here, and you can find the resolution here.
Finally. I know the residents of Hartford must have been clammoring for the city to develop a foreign policy, and now they have.

The genius behind this measure is Councilman Larry Deutsch, a member of the Working Families Party (the other Democrats).

The French have a phrase for this kind of activity: farting too high for your ass. While everyone of us as citizens has a right and obligation to voice our opinions on these issues, it is not for municipal government to call for the start or end to wars.

Hartford's economy is in the toilet, businesses are being strangled out of the city, and its tax base is shrinking. And what do these clowns busy themselves with? Foreign policy. How about working on trash collection, Deutsch?

But now that Hartford has a foreign policy, perhaps neighboring communities should be wary. Perhaps they want the troops home so they can invade West Hartford.


Consent of the Governed said...

They do not need to invade West Hartford - we have already been invaded by Hartford.
And thanks to our misplaced financial benevolence we are already paying for Hartford's water and educating their kids. That way elected officials like Deutch are free to make foreign policy.

mccommas said...

WHEREAS, The City of Hartford is represented by a bunch of drooling idiots...

Headless Horseman said...

I believe that is the actual first line of the resolution...