Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Cooking with Crisco

Late last week State Senator Joe Crisco, the Mr. MaGoo of the Connecticut General Assembly, was denied $85,000 of taxpayer money for his re-election campaign by the State Elections Enforcement Commission due to "material impropriety" in his filings.

Apparently his campaign treasurer's secretary signed an affidavit the treasurer was required to sign that acknowledged understanding all the new rules of the campaign finance system and citizen's election fund. This was done in Crisco's presence and with his full knowledge.

I suppose we should thank Crisco for doing his part to help the state budget deficit. His improper actions have saved taxpayers $85,000.

However, most legislative candidates will not spare us the burden of paying for their campaigns this year by committing egregious illegal acts. Voters should take particular note this year, as Democratic state legislative candidates who voted for this taxpayer-funded system spin their BS about the state budget deficit, remember that the palm card they hand you that contains all of their lies was paid for by you and me.
This should also show you how loose and fast some of the very people who created the program plan to game it.

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