Tonight I will toast all of you. In 2008, we ride again!
"We're the majority party. I make the call for the session," Amann said. "It was the proper thing to do. I don't have to consult Larry Cafero on how to run the House. ... Tell him there's a war going on in Iraq. There's more important issues than this. When he becomes speaker, he can do what he wants. That's how democracy works."
How and why did Abraham L. Giles, a North End political supporter of Mr. Perez, get a lucrative no-bid contract to operate a city garage? Why did the city pay $10,000 to haul away trash from a warehouse owned by Mr. Giles? Did Mayor Perez, as alleged, tell Hartford developer Joseph Citino he needed to "satisfy" Mr. Giles to the tune of $100,000 to proceed with now-failed plans to develop city land on which Mr. Giles ran a parking lot?All good questions. I'm sure the answers will be even better. That is why I have selected Eddie Perez's home remodeling as the #6 Dumbest Thing Done by Connecticut Democrats in 2007. Nonetheless, he was re-elected easily this year. That's the dumbest thing done by Hartford voters in 2007.
Residents of the state’s public housing projects were there to ask Mrs. Rell to restore almost $4 million in PILOT, payment in-lieu-of-taxes, and tax abatement money to the state budget. Without the restoration of the money, “the poorest people in the state will be facing significant rent increases,” Jeffrey Freiser, executive director of the Connecticut Housing Coalition, said.It's wonderful to know that at this time of year, Representatives Tercyak, O'Brien, and Green aren't beyond exploiting homeless people to try to score political points against the Governor. Of these three merry carolers, Representatives O'Brien and Tercyak both voted for the very budget that created this situation. Where was their concern last June?
Democratic legislators who attended the holiday protest said no one can explain it. Rep. Peter Tercyak, D-New Britain, said “It was there at the beginning, then it was gone.”No one can explain it. It was just there by magic somehow after you all voted for it. What crap. Tercyak is actually just admitting to you that he didn't care enough about the homeless to actually read the bill he was voting on to see how it impacted them. So instead of standing on the floor of the House asking questions, Tercyak has shown up to the Governor's mansion to stand outside singing song parodies like an adolescent, protesting something he voted for.
Danbury police were called to the mall over the weekend. The mall Santa told them Lamy had touched him inappropriately while sitting on his lap.
``The security officer at the mall said Santa Claus has been sexually assaulted,'' Danbury Detective Lt. Thomas Michael said.
Capt. Bob Myles said police were able to quickly find and identify Lamy because she was on crutches.
On crutches? Oh no! It's like a perverted Tiny Tim!
McKinney hits it right on the head, although it could be said in a less genteel manner. Democrats believe they are beyond reproach, beyond fallibility and beyond answering to the general public. They are mistaken.McKinney said removing Gaffey from the committee is one of "several" ethics reforms that could result from the incident.
"I think the Senate, in some fashion, has to state for the record that it was wrong and people deserve answers to their questions,"
McKinney said. "In fact, the Democrats apparently think they're the only ones entitled to ask questions and get answers."
McKinney said the issue was central to a closed-door, senators-only caucus among the two-dozen-member Democratic majority.
"Those who privately expressed concern said they asked questions, got answers and said nothing inappropriate happened," McKinney said.
"It's shocking to me that they think they're entitled to answers behind closed doors, but the people of Connecticut are not entitled to those answers."
"It's not like I have a barrel of money in my office and I write the checks," Amann said. Amann has allocated about half of the $2 million he controls during the current fiscal year, contributing to community groups, school projects, nonprofit organizations and other recipients. Many were in or near his hometown of Milford. "I'm proud of what we've done for Milford. What, is the speaker not supposed to bring home money to his hometown?" Amann told the New Haven Register.It should not be surprising that the same man who tossed $65,000 of our hard-earned cash down the toilet just to have an hour-long, unnecessary special session would also raid a slush fund meant for projects all over the state just to benefit his own district.