Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Only Democrats Deserve Answers

Senate Republican Leader John McKinney had it right when he pointed out in today's News-Times that Senate Democrats have such a grotesque sense of entitlement, they feel no one deserves answers in the Tom Gaffey scandal but them.

From Ken Dixon's article today:

McKinney said removing Gaffey from the committee is one of "several" ethics reforms that could result from the incident.

"I think the Senate, in some fashion, has to state for the record that it was wrong and people deserve answers to their questions,"

McKinney said. "In fact, the Democrats apparently think they're the only ones entitled to ask questions and get answers."

McKinney said the issue was central to a closed-door, senators-only caucus among the two-dozen-member Democratic majority.

"Those who privately expressed concern said they asked questions, got answers and said nothing inappropriate happened," McKinney said.

"It's shocking to me that they think they're entitled to answers behind closed doors, but the people of Connecticut are not entitled to those answers."

McKinney hits it right on the head, although it could be said in a less genteel manner. Democrats believe they are beyond reproach, beyond fallibility and beyond answering to the general public. They are mistaken.

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