Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Another Dodd Tape Surfaces

Chris Dodd has put out another tape from his cave in Iowa. The CIA is reviewing it to authenticate that it is in fact Dodd. That could be a difficult task, as Dodd clearly continues to be unable to pay his lighting bill, so his features are obscured.

Dodd has been very difficult to find lately. He's almost as hard to find as the people who are planning to vote for him.

If this is in fact Chris Dodd, he has asked a really hardball question for the GOP Youtube presidential debate.

In the meantime, our absentee Senator is drawing fire from the Hartford Courant and the New Haven Register for missing a tremendous number of votes since moving to Iowa. I posted about that over at CTLP today.


Adam J Schmidt said...

Such a double standard - the angry left was all over Lieberman for pursuing his quixotic bid for the Presidency in 2004. Yet Dodd drinks the kool-aid and suddenly its all good.

Headless Horseman said...

Exactly. If you look at the liberal commenters over at CTLP, none of them seem to care that Dodd is leaving their much hated Lieberman as the lone voice of CT in the Senate. Once you adopt the liberal blogoshpere's talking points as your mantra, you will do no wrong in their eyes, and are above criticism.

DC said...

To protect our Constitution I'd waterboard Chris Dodd to get everything he knows about the Constitution. Shouldn't take more than a gallon...