Monday, November 5, 2007

They'll Still Have an Election in Bridgeport

Despite his attempts to gum up democracy in Bridgeport like a mile of ass fat, Chris Caruso has failed in his attempt to prevent an election from taking place there tomorrow.

Tomorrow Bill Finch is going to be elected Mayor of Bridgeport. And no matter how many obstacles he threw in the way, or how many fits he threw, there was ultimately nothing Caruso could do to stop it.

Caruso has, if it's possible, made himself even more laughable, absurd, and insignificant than he was before through his petty lawsuit claiming voter fraud robbed him of the Democratic nomination for mayor of Bridgeport.

The State Supreme Court today ruled that the election would go forward. However, Caruso's case will still be heard, and the possibility of the election results being overturned exists should merit suddenly become a part of Caruso's legal efforts.

Does this mean Finch may ultimately NOT be Mayor of Bridgeport? No. It means Chris Caruso will get to angrily pound his chubby fists into his pillow at night one more time after losing the one weak stand he has left to make.

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