Christmas shopping can really piss me off. I know that's not jolly or festive to say, but let's be honest here. The most wonderful time of the year is the most frustrating time of the year.
On this day across America, overweight moms in sweatpants converge on our stores and malls, ram carriages against each other like animals competing in a mating ritual, while dragging their snot-nosed crying children all over the place, many of whom have nasty tubercular coughs, or pick their noses and wipe it on goods we are expected to purchase.
Thanks to I don't know who, we can now buy Christmas decorations at our local stores before the summer is even over. The last thing I want to think about on Labor Day is Christmas, but walk into a CVS, and there all there all the holiday crap is.
I happen to like Christmas very much. It's a special season that I hope everyone enjoys. There's only one group of people I hope has a shitty Christmas; the assholes who banned the Boy Scout collection boxes for our troops in the town of Cambridge Massachusetts. These people aren't likely to believe in Christmas anyway.
At any rate, if you are going to brave the sinister Black Friday mobs at stores, I wish you Godspeed in your endeavor. Take care, and try to come back in one piece!
Man those in commies in Massachusetts need to be stopped. We can start by taking back The Notch and slowly creep north to Cambridge. Maybe goes as far as the home on Robert Kraft and take back the hearts of many Connecticut sports fans.
Ohh can you do a Grinch blog too???
Just for the holiday season???
Those fucking commies should be shot.
Well, if there is any doubt that those against the war ALSO are against the troops... something like that should lay the question to rest.
They also probably view the Boy Scouts as a dangerous paramilitary organization that brainwashes the young into military service.
Okay HH,
Posting a youtube from the band that has some of the most cerebral, yet perverse lyrics in ANY band's catalog...
'Everyone's Gone To The Movies' is also on this (Katy Lied) record...
I've heard that song. Those guys are perverts.
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