Thursday, November 29, 2007

Pilgrims Needed Government Programs

I almost missed this one, primarily because I think like seven people have visited the new blog, but State Representative William Tong (D-Stamford) has a very odd blog entry there called "Giving Thanks for a Republican President."

Not that I want to be responsible for directing traffic to this place, but you can check it out here if you want. It's not a blog entry, it's a political column. Someone needs to explain to these guys what a blog post is. But I thought it was worth mentioning because I think it makes some very shameful assertions.

Tong begins by saying he thanks Richard Nixon because right after he was born, his father, an immigrant from China, had his immigration status called into "doubt." He wrote a poignant letter to President Nixon and he was allowed to stay.

Tong then asserts "Today, however, the men seeking to be the next Republican President would have denied my father the opportunity to work hard, build a business, raise a strong family, and make a lasting contribution to our state and our country. These men would deny young people like me access to schools and higher education, as Governor Rell did when she vetoed the in-state tuition bill. These men would deny access to medical care and winter heating, and send millions of families like mine back to countries long since departed. These men would have turned the Pilgrim ships home."

What insulting trash. First, Tong never does say if his father came here illegally or not, which is interesting. However, he was finally granted legal citizenship.The suggestion that the men running for president would deny immigrants the opportunity to work hard and make a contribution, is absurd. To further the insult by saying Governor Rell denied young people access to higher education because she vetoed a bill allowing illegal immigrants to get in-state tuition rates at state universities is plain moronic.

These Republican men that Tong derides want immigrants to have every possible opportunity they can. But they want these people to come here LEGALLY.

Tong's experience isn't so special. Everyone of us is descended from immigrants, whether we are first, second, third generation or more. I am descended from immigrants as well, mostly German, who came here in the 1870's. These people didn't demand the state help them pay for college. These immigrants didn't claim to have a right to state-funded medical care or winter heating.

I am thankful that the hard-working immigrants I am descended from didn't come here with a sense of entitlement, but carved out a beautiful piece of America with their own bare hands and hard work. I am proud they never claimed to need the government assistance of a political hack like Tong to get ahead.

And I'm pretty damned sure the Pilgrims didn't flee England to get government healthcare and tuition benefits.


Unknown said...

Your statement:
I am thankful that the hard-working immigrants I am descended from didn't come here with a sense of entitlement, but carved out a beautiful piece of America with their own bare hands and hard work. I am proud they never claimed to need the government assistance of a political hack like Tong to get ahead.

And I'm pretty damned sure the Pilgrims didn't flee England to get government healthcare and tuition benefits.

Is deceptive. If it wasnt for the kindness of the Indians the first Pilgrims off the mayflower would have never survived the first winter, many of them did not. In fact, the pilgrims stole a large cache of corn from Indians to help them make it through the harsh new england winter. Later in the spring, the indian Squanto, taught the Pilgrim fathers how to plant corn to sustain themselves for years to come. Indeed, none of us would be in this great country today without the generosity of strangers. There is nothing wrong with getting a little help from time to time. We're all aguilty of that even if you can't bear yourself to admit it.

Headless Horseman said...

Thanks for the history lesson selena, but I wasn't really being literal.

The point I was trying to make is that hacks like Tong think that immigrants cannot improve themselves without the government giving them things that our own citizens often times don't get.

Tong attempts to blur the line between legal and illegal immigrants. I am all in favor of helping LEGAL immigrants. They have opportunities here unlike anywhere else on Earth. But extending benefits to those who sneak in here burdens our system of services.

Incidentally, let's use the Indians you cite in your example. The Native Americans certainly did help out the first settlers. You could say these Indians had an open border policy.

Why don't you ask today's Oneida how that worked out for them?

Tong suggests that the Republican candidates are anti-immigrant because they don't want to coddle illegals. Essentially, I think that's crap.

mccommas said...

Yes Good Point. How did the open door policy work out for the native Americans Selena?

I have said many times that Americans by choice are the bestest Americans of us all.

I welcome them with open arms. But the illegals are simply criminals. I see a nice crisp line between the two.

For the fence jumpers I say

Deport! Deport! Deport!

(and I am praying you get my clever Ab Fab refference). Did ya? Did you get it? Clever huh?