Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Nipple Power

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Senators Sucking the Pipe

Ho Ho Ho.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
If the Blogosphere Could Cry...
You probably remember how in the film Star Wars when Darth Vader blew up the planet Alderaan, Obi Wan Kenobi felt a disturbance in the Force from the death and destruction "as if a million voices cried out and were suddenly silenced." In much the same way, a disturbance was felt across the blogosphere today, as Joe Lieberman retained his senate chairmanship. It was as if a million liberal bloggers cried out and were suddenly silenced.
Well, not really. In fact, liberals have exploded over the issue. They want blood, snot and other vital bodily fluids in payment for Lieberman's continued blasphemy against the Democratic party. And today, Harry Reid announced that in a closed-door party meeting, Democratic Senators voted by secret ballot to allow Lieberman to keep his chairmanship of the Homeland Security Committee.
The damp-eyed, three-hankey lamentations can be seen at MyLeftNutSmeg here and here.
CTBob expresses his grief here.
CTNewsJunk reports that Connecticut Democrats are still hoping to bitch-slap the insolent Lieberman in a way their national colleagues could not find the backbone to do.
Audrey Blondin, a member of the Democratic State Central Committee is the chief proponent behind the continued effort by state Democrats to get revenge from Lieberman. You may watch Ms. Blondin, courtesy of CTNEWSJunkie rage against the devilish Lieberman below. Try not to be distracted by the Pepto Bismol-colored blazer.
The moth-ball scented men in plaid pants in the audience who had not fallen asleep with their hair pieces flopping over actually managed to applaud her.
National Democrats have proved once again they have no political sack. And our state liberals continue to piss themselves in anger over Lieberman.
Am I wrong to enjoy it? If I am, I don't want to be right.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Lesser Representative, Morer Fun
H/T once again to the fantastic Magic Rat.
I wrote about Matt Lesser's candidacy for State Representative before, and although I understand that a wave for Obama descended on Republican candidates across this state, I remain astounded that Matt Lesser, the aptly named pre-puber who hasn't even gotten out of college yet, was actually selected by voters in the 100th district over Ray Kalinowski, a veteran and former secret service agent.
I love democracy. But sometimes the voters are retarded.
Sessions can run late in Hartford. I hope there aren't too many past his bedtime.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Three Scalps

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
The Day is Here

Monday, November 3, 2008
Humble on Election Eve

Will Amann be as cocky as his hilarious bid for the Governor's Mansion unfolds further starting Wednesday?
Voter Turnout Could Exceed 126%

Saturday, November 1, 2008
Mike Lawlor: Soft On Crime
H/T to Jim.
One of the saddest byproducts of the massive liberal, Democratic majority in Hartford has been their complete unwillingness, even in the light of the hideous home invasions and murders such as that in Cheshire, to get tough on violent criminals.
A virtual one-man obstacle to Connecticut adopting a Three Strikes Law which would put violent criminals in jail for life on their third violent conviction, Democratic Judiciary Chairman Michael Lawlor of East Haven has demonstrated that his priorities are totally out of whack.
Lawlor's four votes against Three Strikes since the Cheshire murders earned him a visit in his district this past week from Dr. Bill Petit, whose family was slain in th horrible events of the summer of 2007. Petit appeared on behalf of the Three Strikes Now Coalition to endorse Lori Musco, Lawlor's Republican opponent, who has pledged to support Three Strikes legislation if elected.
The excuses Michael Lawlor has given for opposing Three Strikes have been consistently lame, and Dr. Petit does a good job discrediting them.
Lawlor claims he has worked to keep parolees in jail. But the reality is that when Governor Rell put a moratorium on parole releases in the wake of the Cheshire tragedy, all Lawlor did was visit jails and complain about prison overcrowding.
If only one Democrat gets defeated for reelection, I really do hope it's Michael Lawlor, a man entirely out of touch with the needs of public safety.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Organ Failure

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Sen. Paul Doyle: Scam Artist

Tom Christiano - "Unwittingly" Screwing Trumbull
H/T to Magic Rat once again.
Tom Christiano is a Democratic State Rep from Trumbull who, in this little clip, reveals what I think is a chronic problem with most rank and file Democrats in the state legislature. They let their leaders do their thinking for them. They don't read bills, they just vote for what they are told to vote for. Even if it means they induce him to vote for something, say an unfunded mandate, which he promised he would never vote in favor of.
I give Christiano some credit here. He actually admits that he isn't doing his job, won't do his job, and can't do his job. That is, when he actually even bothers to show up to do it.
The rest of colleagues pretend to be competent. Not Christiano. Bravo, sir!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Biden... a gift that keeps giving.
A arther amusing news segment acknowledging that if Governor Palin had made the type of moronic remarks Biden made, the news coverage of it would saturate.
Let's face it, the media is a co-conspirator in trying to down-play this guy's imbecility.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Wilber's Fall

Saturday, October 18, 2008
Dem State Rep. Paid Settlement for Sex Abuse Allegations

Well... speaking of child molesters, according to the Torrington Register Citizen, Democratic State Representative George Wilber from Colebrook paid to settle allegations that he sexually abused an 11-year-old girl in a deal reached during his tenure as a state legislator.
Wilber claims he is innocent of the charges, but paid the $100,000 settlement which required him to refinance his property. In paying the settlement he claims he"took the high road."

Thursday, October 16, 2008
Who are the Real Pumpkinheads at Halloween?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Eggheads Striking Out in the Legislature

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I love New York
This video, Found at Moonbattery, is awfully hilarious... and makes a good point. I really think Osama bin Laden would get a better reception from these morons.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Murtha Forker
You may recall the fat, scurillous and traitorous d-bag John Murtha, the Democratic Congressman from Johnstown, Pennsylvania, who repeatedly stated that United States Marines had slaughtered innocent civilians in cold blood in an incident in Haditha in November, 2005.
After being exonerated, one of the Marines is suing Murtha. Charges remain for only one Marine, Fank Wuterich,which I wrote about here.
Now Lance Corporal Justin Sharratt is filing a defamation lawsuit against Murtha for his rhetoric.
Murtha is a former Marine and I respect his service. But clearly something has been damaged inside of his small brain. He is a poster child for the debased, liberal left in Washington that have no restrictions on the kind of vile things they will do or say just to score cheap political points.
He is a pile of excreta who deserves to be defeated this November. Hopefully the Johnstown folks can do something about that.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Slamming Murphy on Energy
State Senator David Cappiello has released another ad, this time taking Chris Murphy to task on energy.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Passion of the Clintons

Friday, September 19, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Arrogance 101: A Lesson by House Democrats

Biden: Pay Taxes to be a Patriot

Monday, September 15, 2008
Saturday Night Live has produced some brilliant comedians with respectable careers. Al Franken isn't one of them.
Now, after having been a radio host on Air America, which had about eleven listeners, he is a DFL candidate seeking a Minnesota US Senate seat.
He's pretty centered, too, as you can see.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
I'm Helping My Left Nutmeg
My Left Nut Smeg has posted this advertisement bashing Governor Palin and has asked that her savage brutality be exposed, and we all share it with as many people as possible. I am posting it here to do my part!
Why? Because I think garbage like this is laughably ineffective, and reveals the desperation Obama's supporters have resorted to in trying to get everyone to think Palin is an evil, vile beast. Keep screaming from Buffalo Bill's basement, liberals! I'll even help you scream! AAAGGHHHHH!
Meanwhile, amid all the Palin bashing, in the latest Rasmussen poll, McCain has opened up a three-point lead over Obama nation-wide.
Oh yeah, and if you want to know why Palin supports aerial hunting permits in Alaska, permits which are issued in many other western states for coyotes, wolves and foxes, it's to curb the threat of blooming predator populations in areas where moose and caribou are endangered.
I find it interesting that the idiotic Wildlife group that put this ad together cares a lot about wolves being shot, but not too much about caribou and moose populations being exterminated by overgrown wolf populations.
It's the circle of life. Deal with it.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Pssst...! The Palin-Bashing Isn't Working!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Jumpin' on Joe

Sunday, September 7, 2008
Romulan Attack Across Cyber Space

Much is being made across the Universe about Romulan Commander Rosa DeLauro's recent attacks on Congressman Christopher Shays. It is certainly unusual for a sitting member of Congress to attack another in this fashion, especially when they are in the same delegation, and are not running against one another. But comity has never been the strong suit of our Connecticut Democrats.
I must extend credit to CT Bob for capturing her rant as seen above.
There's really a few problems here. First, The video of Chris Shays that the leftwing Nutroots are peddling as Shays's offensive remarks against women includes no such quote as "Connecticut voters will be happy just because there is a woman on the ticket." I don't blame CT Bob, he just documented a quote provided by DeLauro. I blame DeLauro, who is basically lying about what Shays actually said.
You can see the interview below, courtesy of MLN:
Now, this MSNBC interview with Andrea Mitchel is of course as awkward as most of her work. She makes the cast of The View look like NASA scientists. But Shays makes solid sense in his responses to her sycophantic interrogation. The presumption of liberal women like DeLauro is that only the success of liberal women is good for all women. She appears unable to see that not all women agree with her narrow liberal agenda.
DeLauro says nothing about the lefties who asserted Governor Palin should not be Vice President because she should be at home taking care of her children. Nor did she say anything about the absurd leftie blog rumors claiming Palin's youngest child was actually her daughter's. These are the things that are insulting to women. And DeLauro may want to visit us from Romulus a little more often so she can get in touch with what human females actually think.
Instead, we get brilliant liberal blogs like this piece of trash making fun of Palin's four month old son with Down syndrome. Pure genius.
A Distinguished Endorsement for Obama
Laughing at this is almost like booing at the Special Olympics. This will be painful for most people to watch. Do it anyway. It's important to see the mental incapacity of liberal celeb-utards to assemble a cogent thought from the fetid debris inside their walnut-sized brains.
Here we have Mr. Sean Puffy Combs, Daddy Puff-Puff, or whatever the hell he's calling himself at the moment issuing a searing indictment of McCain's pick of Sarah Palin for vice president.
Among his withering criticisms are that McCain should have picked Michelle Obama as his vice presidential candidate instead, because it would be "strategic and fly," and his repeated rejoinder that McCain is "bugging the f*** out."
Mr. Puffy Pants once headed up the "Vote or Die" campaign. Unfortunately, he didn't do either in 2004.
Obama's Disposable Flag

Thursday, September 4, 2008
Lieberman to Remain a Democrat

As we all know, Lieberman heartily endorses Republican John McCain for president. Today it is reported that Joe Lieberman has no intention of leaving the Democratic Party, despite the fact that Connecticut Democrats are desperate to cough him up like a hairball.
The brain box behind this effort appears to be a Democratic state representative named Jason Bartlett from Bethel, who is evidently the embodiment of the arrogant liberal Democrat who believes that they can dictate who can and cannot affiliate with the party of their choosing, regardless of small obstacles such as the U.S. Constitution and the Connecticut Constitution.
Lieberman, victorious in his independent Senate run in 2006, can not be thrown off the Democratic Party rolls unless, according to state law, he ran as a candidate on the ballot line of another party. He petitioned on for his independent bid, and therefore he cannot be removed.
Says the brilliant Bartlett:
"It's really over the top and embarrassing for the state to have our senator endorsing the Republican candidate for the presidency. I have a problem with that, the party should have a problem with that, and he should no longer be a Democrat."
Bartlett is apparently an arrogant, unseasoned Democratic freshman who makes his inexperience and foolishness nakedly obvious. He is exactly the kind of intolerant Democrat that is increasingly the hallmark of a party that has grown inflexible and dogmatic. Lieberman differs from his Democratic brethren on only one issue; the War in Iraq. For this and this alone, they are desperate to excommunicate him.
Unfortunately for these self-righteous, pompous party leaders, they will be stuck with Lieberman for as long as Lieberman desires to dirty himself with the distinction of technically being a Democrat.
Back to Back Homers
Last night I think I was more stirred than at any other point during the entire lead up to this election.
Rudy Giuliani and Governor Sarah Palin both gave incredible speeches back to back, "hitting it out of the park" as they say.
The libs are hard at work this morning, trying to discredit the speeches. All eyes were on Palin, and a poor performance would have been detrimental. She met the moment with composure, command, and style.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
The Glass Kitchen

Somehow, the left is trying to sell Palin as a hypocrite... they sneer at her abstinence approach and chortle to their arrogant selves, amused that her daughter is now pregnant. The truth is in how such people handle these kids of challenges. This family has chosen to keep this child, in keeping with their conservative pro-life values. They don't just talk it, they live it.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Carter's Second Term
The folks who are partying in Denver this week certainly have at least one of their talking points clear: a McCain presidency, so they say, will be a third Bush term.
Actually, it would be a fourth, but I don't give liberals credit with being able to do math either.
However, it seems that an Obama presidency may more closely resemble a second term for Jimmy Carter than a McCain presidency would continue the legacy of George W. Bush.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Scenes from the Democratic National Convention
Lights! Camera! Bullshit!
The Democratic National Convention has begun! And it promises to be as hedonistic a Mardis Gras as they have ever thrown.
My friend CT Bob has noted that the DNC has spared little expense in making a Vegas-like producton, and that he wouldn't be surprised to see Cirque de Soliel swing through.
I'd have to agree! The glitz and glam is commensurate with the Democratic view of symbolism over substance.
Tonight's roster of tight-rope walkers and leotard-clad prancers includes former President Jimmy Carter, Michelle Obama, Senator Ted Kennedy and Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
I doubt we will be lucky to see a white tiger come from behind the curtain and go Roy Horn on any of them, though.
Where's the Love?
Courtesy of firedoglake, a Clinton supporter gives you the scoop on how they are being treated.
The love is apparently carrying from this event in May through to the glorious Democratic Convention.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
A Plug for Biden: Plagiarists Unite

Biden is the Elton John of American politics. One day he had a steel-wool comb over of what I presume was back hair, and the next he had a full head of Ken Doll-like plugs.
But personal grooming isn't everything. Just ask John Edwards.
The more interesting thing about Joe Biden is that he is a world-class plagiarist. He stole a speech nearly verbatim during his 1987 campaign for president from British politician Neal Kinnock, and was savaged by Michael Dukakis, possibly costing him the race.
Obama must feel a kinship for this fellow thief of rhetoric. You may recall in February that Obama was hammered for stealing nearly verbatim a speech that Deval Patrick had given a little over a year before. This was the memorable and ironically labeled "Just Words" speech.
Biden apparently had a problem with plagiarism even while in college, so this was hardly a new thing for him.
If Biden is chosen, I can't wait to hear some of their convention speeches;
"The only thing we have to fear is... fear itself!"
"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."
"Four Score and Seven years ago..."
Nothing says "change" like selecting an old fart who has been in Washington for over 30 years.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Veeping in their Pants

The Cappiello campaign has released a new video, accusing Congressman Chris Murphy of being a "chameleon" and flip-flopping on the off-shore drilling issue.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
General Assembly Raised Your Electric Rates

The UConn Squeeze

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Growing and Growing and Growing...

Primary Concerns

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Primary Day

Friday, August 8, 2008
Wag the Dong

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
No Geniuses at the Capitol